Original Braunvieh

Original Braunvieh – for milk and meat

-Andreas Anderegg-Walther, Schattenhalb BE-
«The Original Braunvieh cow optimally converts the basic feed into milk and meat.»

Thanks to Original Braunvieh you have double benefit and success.

The Original Braunvieh (OB) breed has a clear dual-purpose disposition (milk and meat performance). It allows the owner to meet any production direction. OB is robust, hardy, fertile, long-lived, efficient, adaptable and very balanced in body shape and color. His strong limbs and claws allow him to forage in difficult terrain with sparse grass growth and limited watering holes. Its robust skin with dense brown coat and blue-black eye pigmentation better tolerates extreme sun exposure.

OB cows are highly productive. They produce a rich milk of 6000 kg and more per lactation. If needed, they produce calves that are also excellent for fattening at any age. OB bull calves are therefore highly appreciated by fatteners. They guarantee daily weight gains of 1200 to 1300 g, excellent slaughter yield and meat quality.

OB-News (Homepage of the Original Braunvieh breeders)

Contact Original Braunvieh

FunktionName und AdresseE-MailTelefonnummer
PräsidentAndreas Anderegg
Wysselen 41
3857 Unterbach BE
dres.anderegg@gmx.net033 971 51 50
076 409 67 31
Ruedi Frehner
Am Stein 292
9103 Schwellbrunn
frehner-raschle@bluewin.ch079 612 07 00
GeschäftsführungCorinne Suter
Sonnegg 3
8834 Schindellegi
sobzv@bluewin.ch079 821 62 37
Redaktion Original ZüchterReto Betschart
Rickenbachstrasse 33
6430 Schwyz
obz@bluewin.ch041 810 10 51
077 452 40 02
AktuarPascal Scheuber
Via Lucmagn 29
7182 Disentis/Mustér
np.scheuber@bluewin.ch081 936 43 47
079 383 61 83
Präsident JungzüchterManuel von Moos
Wolfisbergstrasse 48
6073 Flüeli-Ranft
manuel.vm@outlook.com079 503 35 30
MitgliederHans Trüb-Matter
Spisboden 1
6390 Engelberg
ht88@bluewin.ch079 766 95 83
Andreas Staub
8825 Hütten
vreni.rutzli@bluewin.ch079 332 45 01
Martin Schelbert
Hauptstrasse 90
6436 Muotathal
martinschelbert99@gmail.com079 505 49 93
Alois Bürgler
9650 Nesslau
alois_buergler@hotmail.com079 782 51 94
Michael Spichtig
Leh 1
6067 Melchtal
michaelspichtig@gmail.ch079 829 77 20
Res Schläpfer
Fälmisstrasse 15
8636 Wald ZH
res.s@gmx.ch079 610 81 87
RevisorenThomas Schrackmann
6060 Sarnen
s.schatzli@bluewin.ch041 660 82 64
Leo Kuoni
Lurgasse 14
7304 Maienfeld
leo.kuoni@stv.gr.ch081 302 41 96