The Swiss Breed Braunvieh consists of the two breeding lines Brown Swiss and Original Braunvieh. It is considered a fit protein breed in beef cattle. At the same time, it shows great performance potential in dairy cattle (Brown Swiss – More Than Milk) and as dual purpose cattle for milk and meat (Original Braunvieh).
More about Braunvieh >
Here you find information about the breeding value estimation, current breeding value lists, newly classified bulls, as well as information about the breeding program and the genetic trends.
Continue to the breeding values >
Here you find various interesting links to partner organizations and further
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Here you find all reported dates of exhibitions, shows and auctions as well as the current events of Braunvieh Schweiz.
To the event overview >
Braunvieh Schweiz represents the interests of the Braunvieh breeders as a
cooperative. The association defines the breeding goals and the breeding program.
As a service organization, it carries out the herd book, performance tests and
estimates the breeding values for Braunvieh, Jersey, Grauvieh and Hinterwälder.
More about us >